Attached Documents
Item 05 Bills.pdfItem 06 Cell phone allowance Chris Garrett.pdfItem 07 Pay bill without PO for District Clerk.pdfItem 08 Pay bill without PO for Courthouse.pdfItem 09 Pay bills for Pct 1 without PO.pdfItem 12 Appointment Dr John Updegrove MD Medical Director Health Department.pdfItem 16 Contract Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP Collection of Delinquent Taxes.pdfItem 17 Resolution authorize additional penalties collection of Delinquent Taxes.pdfItem 18 Order authorize early additional penalties collection of Delinquent Taxes.pdfItem 19 Tax Collection Report.pdfItem 20 Sheriff's office surplus vehicle.pdfItem 21 First amendment Resolution Tax Abatement.pdfItem 22 Resolution for Development Agreement Pinchal & Company LLC.pdfItem 23 Plat of Boren Addition for NVD Land Company LP.pdfItem 24 Final Re-plat of Retreat Ranchetts Phase II for Sharmon Diane Graefen.pdfItem 24 Final re-plat of Retreat Ranchetts, Phase II for Thomas Jordan Batey and Arnold L Curtis.pdfItem 25 Final re-plat of Ranchland Estates, Section II for Sharmon Diane Graefen.pdfItem 26 Xerox Leasing Agreement for Juvenile Probation.pdfItem 28 Order for Sale of fireworks for Texas Independence Day.pdf