Attached Documents
Item 04 Public Comments.pdfItem 05 App & Pay Bills.pdfItem 06 Treasurer report.pdfItem 07 Approve to pay bills for Pct. 2 without PO.pdfItem 08 Approve to pay bills for NCSO without PO.pdfItem 09 Approve to replacement of the AC Unit in Adult Probation.pdfItem 13 Approve Order to Create & Designate Reinvestment Zone 21-101.pdfItem 14 Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30,2022.pdfItem 15 TAC 2021 Renewal Notice and Benefit Confirmation.pdfItem 16 EMS District 1 Basic Financial Statements for Fiscal Year Ended Sept.. 30 2020.pdfItem 17 App final plat of WR Legacy Estates for Mary Lee Lyle.pdfItem 18 Approve Seaway Crude Pipeline Co. to cross NE CR 2020 in Pct. 2.pdfItem 19 Approve HIDTA agreement with Damien Givens.pdf