Attached Documents
Item 04 Public Comments.pdfItem 05 Approve and pay bills.pdfItem 06 Approve and pay bills for Pct 1 without PO.pdfItem 07 Approve and pay bills for Pct 2 without PO.pdfItem 08 Approve and pay bills for Pct 3 without PO.pdfItem 12 Approve Tax Collection Report for August 2021, Mike Dowd.pdfItem 13 Approve Interlocal Agreement for Regional Defender for Capital Cases 2022 and 2023.pdfItem 14 Approve Shereiff Fees 2021-2022.pdfItem 19 Approve Chatfield Water Supply to cross NECR 1040 Pct. 1.pdfItem 20 Approve Chatfield Water Supply to cross NECR 3010 Pct. 2.pdfItem 21 Approve Amended Order of Election and early voting locations for the November 2, 2021 election.pdfItem 22 Approve Election Judges for 2021 & 2022.pdfItem 23 Approve appoint the Central Counting station Manager, Assistant Manager, & Tabulation Supervisor for November 2, 2021.pdfItem 25 Approve Health Service Agreement with Southern Health Partners for Sheriff Dept..pdfItem 26 Approve Modification 2 Grant No. G21NT0001A increased HIDTA.pdfItem 27 Approve annual bids for auto parts, road materials.pdf