Attached Documents
Item 04 Public Comments.pdfItem 05 Approve and Pay Bills.pdfItem 06 Approve Treasurer's Report.pdfItem 08 Extension Service report.pdfItem 09 Approve Lease Agreement for Document Solutions for Patrol LT Sheriff Dept..pdfItem 10 Approve Timekeeping Systems Inc Master Sales Agreement for Sheriff Dept..pdfItem 11 Approve Change Order for Proposal 001 from Otis Elevator for Jail.pdfItem 12 Approve replat of Amy Land Co Lots 27A & 27B for Froylan Gutierrez and Rosalina Gutierrez.pdfItem 13 Approve replat of The Plantation Phase 2 Lots 56A and 56B for Salvador Carpio and Bulmario Carpio.pdfItem 14 Approve final plat of Grandpas Green Acres for Hailstone Land Group LLC.pdfItem 15 Approve TAC Counties Risk Management Pool for Auto Liability,Physical Damage General Liability Coverage Law Enforcement.pdfItem 16 Approve Modification 1 Grant G23NT0001A Texoma HIDTA.pdfItem 17 Approve Modification 2 Grant G23NT0001A Texoma HIDTA.pdfItem 18 Approve Modification 3 Grant G23NT0001A Texoma HIDTA.pdfItem 19 Approve 2010 Case Backhoe as salvage for PCT 2.pdfItem 20 Approve Community Water Company to cross Donaho Rd and Martin Rd in Pct 3.pdfItem 21 Approve Resolution and Financial Agreement Government Capital and Pct 4.pdfItem 22 Approve to pay bills for Courthouse without PO.pdfItem 23 Approve to pay bills for NCSOwithout PO.pdfItem 24 Approve to pay bills for Elections without PO.pdf