Attached Documents
Item 04 Public Comments.pdfItem 05 Approve and pay bills.pdfItem 06 Approve Treasurer's Report for March 2024.pdfItem 07 Approve budget transfer for NCSO.pdfItem 08 Approve budget transfer from Road Material to Repairs & Maintenance for Pct. 3.pdfItem 12 Approve Tax Report for March 2024 by Mike Dowd.pdfItem 14 Approve Guardian Security Solutons LC proposal for Courthouse Security server from Courthouse Security Funds.pdfItem 15 Approve 5 year contract with Vyve for Cyber Security protection for Adult Probation.pdfItem 16 Approve Resolution for Historic Downtown Reinvestment Tax Credit.pdfItem 17 Approve final re plat of Retreat Ranchettes Section 2 Lot 5 R2 for CMH Homes Inc..pdfItem 18 Approve final re plat of Oak Hollow Addition, Lot 18 for Annette Chandle.pdfItem 19 Approve the City of Emhouse to cross NW CR 1130 in Pct 1.pdfItem 20 Approve Community Water Company to cross SW CR 3130 in Pct. 4.pdfItem 21 Approve declaring the listed items for the Sheriff as surplus.pdfItem 22 Approve NCSO to donate 27 Cradle points to Kaufman County Sheriff's Dept with were surplused on March 25, 2024.pdfItem 23 Approve declaring 2009 Chevrolet PU as salvage for Pct 2.pdfItem 24 Approve a Special Road Use Bond for Armadillo Solar Center LLC in Pct 3.pdfItem 25 Approve declaring Belly Dump Trailers as surplus for Pct 4.pdfItem 26 Approve a 1 year Financial Agreement between American National Leasing Company and Pct 1 for a Road Groomer.pdfItem 27 Approve a 1 year Financial Agreement between American National Leasing Company and Pct 2 for a Road Groomer.pdfItem 29 Approve to pay 2 invoices for Owen's Hardware without PO for NCSO.pdfItem 30 Approve to pay 1 invoice for Huffman Communications without PO for NCSO.pdfItem 31 Approve to pay 3 invoices for Smith AG without PO for Pct 2.pdfItem 36 Contract directing Osha to incorporate RC 287 t lake area for VFD.pdf